Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Chapter Joy

Cant stay without cheer, hip hip hurray, blah blah,, feeling so much exited about the terminology which makes you happy a lot in the life. Happiness is emotional or mental characteristic that contentment joy to the human.

A cheer of beer, at the club at night after completion of Graduation, success of project, even the take part at well behaved with friend. A kind of joy is limitless. Feeling very sad and the failure makes sad, at the moment the memory power to recognize the joy full moment to urge self.

Meeting on a first date, a special character to keep them in joy with your personal treat. Making sense to at job to get out with bonus to impress parent is the awesome joy in the life. Keeping the smily face with every one is the part of mankind. I only believes that keep society joyful keeps you happy.

A great legend told in "Gujarati" , WORLD IS LIKE WHAT IS YOUR VISION. I wanna share some more things here, a freedom is main role that treat us like with more happiness. Never try to make a trap to any one's emotion that create a negative impact to the species, and beloved never excuse with you.
Enjoy every moment of life with joy and keep the troupe cheerful that makes your vision :)

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Chapter Jealous

A negative thoughts, feelings of insecurity, fear and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something on personal lives, value in reference of human connection refer to Jealousy.

A fear that success run away, loss the earth, failure, create a negative impression to the mind. A good scorer maintains a rank through hard work and efforts, that makes the success dream of goal, but when the surrounding circle breaks the rule of Jealous it make worth. Umm say , a sibling being jealous of other for getting more attention of parents. Reality is different then the paying attention more or less. Parents always think for the child not for only one !

Affliction of past clashes, conclusion etc make them confident to harm in any way to settle down the revenge.
Fear to loss the love, marks, money, passion etc make the human feel negative to act harm them. Decision that make worst impression in public, when it recognize human feels shame. Partiality done in-front of the species, create the full of jealous that makes why earth makes me that ?

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Chapter Loneliness

Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation or lack of companionship. 

Dealing between souls, makes love, trust, emotion etc along with feelings. Smell burnt inside the body seems need something that makes you gleeful. A hug ? Creature makes a magic touch of love to entire species... I called a HUG. Mom strokes a baby's head when baby is in stress,dis-appointed or fail. Heaven is only in mother's love.

A human surrounded by cheat, lying, rogue, betrayed through the society. Intoxicating drug keep the soul in the air. A tired article get own way to keep self happy in wrong way. Yoga, Meditation, Exercise, Out-door games etc best medicine ever in the society. A Pet is more loyal then cruel human, at least a pet care more till last breath, and that's the fact.

Love is more powerful then other emotion, it also painful then the glad. Distance make deeper in love of birds. However, the fashion of cheat, use each other mentality, betrayed make objectionable LOVE. In name of the Love, folk cheated each other. Mentality to harm, cheat, betrayed etc will settle down by death to hell, before that on earth folk pay own seen.

Folk literally weep in loneliness, creature made a giant web in the mindset, that feel, cry, laugh, weep, pain etc.. Salute to the awesomeness. Our lord also taught lesson in different religion holy book. We accept too !!!

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chapter Feelings

An affective state of consciousness, such as that resulting from emotions, sentiments, or desires.

We are leaving in a era of Machines and we believes. Sending a smiley to the circle shows off the emotion.
How cruel we are? Let it go, still the potency is around here to come in commiseration to cessation to perform wrong act.

Generation of today's, earlier and future's powered by their own maudlin's act. Question remains to the emotion and feelings. Even a slut has a feelings, Aeon is responsible to make her a sin. Is selfishness is the the only right ? is women raped and we just watched ? we are living in a useless world, where brother kills his sibling.

Feeling is a state of mind, associated with an event or happenstance. Every one have a their own special character in the life. A mother, A father, A sister, A brother, A girl/boy-friend etc.. pet etc... why feel so lonely or cry for that species when they are not around here? The emotion, a tag between to heart of lives, is that love? or carry for them? 

Who is running human body? after death the body have a bone, muscle, skin etc then why is act like idle ?
Still scientist don't have the result that who is handling our body? Positive energy automatic comes around here when we are in trouble while praying to god or recall to the parents, friend, sister, brother etc.....

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chapter Anger

well well well.......

Anger is an Emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged, or denied and a tendency to react through retaliation.

Human species having different different intelligence to the react on the position. Are species really hate some time the concourse that they fell down ? or the species make them ? Sign of Anger is visualize in nature of glum, bilious, crusty, gruff, testy, touchy is mention at top of the act of all species.

 Boss become temper while employee don't completed work. Father dander on son while coming late at home. Is all kind of facts are behaved in right or we are taking Anger as wrong? Girlfriend become temper when boy is late.

A color of temper is spread in each and every corner of the universe.

Different devout , the temper, anger, concussion, umbrage is narrate......

In Hinduism, anger is equated with sorrow as a form of unrequited desire.

Anger in Buddhism is defined here as: "being unable to bear the object, or the intention to cause harm to the object."
Anger in Catholicism  is counted as one of the seven deadly sins. 
Anger in Islam is considered to be instigated by Satan.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chapter Emotion

A strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

Emotions exert an incredibly powerful force on human behavior. Strong emotions can cause you to take actions you might not normally perform, or avoid situations that you generally enjoy. Why exactly do we have emotions? What causes us to have these feelings?

In our routine life the emotion, love, carry, support, trust, feelings etc is a part of nature. Mother only cries when baby delivered, it's a feeling of nature to the mother. I salute every Mother. Creature makes a wonderful sound that plays a bass of love, hip-hop with friends, rap for fight, jazz for date etc..

Human makes mistakes to cheat, betrayed etc WHY ? Are some of suffering of force-fully or in compulsion? It's good when friend still some stuff and hide away from the friend to make tease.
We people make the evident habit.

Life is too short to live. By good karma , Creature help you along on your Artistry. A good nature can make a good circle, in which injected by the love emotion and sacrifice.

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