Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Chapter Joy

Cant stay without cheer, hip hip hurray, blah blah,, feeling so much exited about the terminology which makes you happy a lot in the life. Happiness is emotional or mental characteristic that contentment joy to the human.

A cheer of beer, at the club at night after completion of Graduation, success of project, even the take part at well behaved with friend. A kind of joy is limitless. Feeling very sad and the failure makes sad, at the moment the memory power to recognize the joy full moment to urge self.

Meeting on a first date, a special character to keep them in joy with your personal treat. Making sense to at job to get out with bonus to impress parent is the awesome joy in the life. Keeping the smily face with every one is the part of mankind. I only believes that keep society joyful keeps you happy.

A great legend told in "Gujarati" , WORLD IS LIKE WHAT IS YOUR VISION. I wanna share some more things here, a freedom is main role that treat us like with more happiness. Never try to make a trap to any one's emotion that create a negative impact to the species, and beloved never excuse with you.
Enjoy every moment of life with joy and keep the troupe cheerful that makes your vision :)


Nice One.........

February 24, 2014 at 10:45 PM

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